I wanna be thin
I wanna be small
I wanna be pinned up high and studied on the wall
I wanna be sold
I wanna be fit
I wanna be there.
I wanna be hooked
I wanna be base
I wanna be s...Read Full Lyrics
Most of the day
We were at the machinery
In the dark sheds
That the seasons ignore
I held the levers that guided the signals to the radio
But the words I receive, random code, brok...Read Full Lyrics
Will the rose in all their learning
Turning brightness to day
Spur the horns of discerning
Scout the world along the way
And in their firm terms of warning
They return to the sea...Read Full Lyrics
Well, I rang up Pantouchi, spoke to Luchi
And gave them all what they needed to know.
And if the affairs are preceding, we'll be expecting soon enough
The weak spots will show.
We ...Read Full Lyrics
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Do you hear voices? you do. so you are possessed.
You are a believer born again and yet you hear voices and you are possessed.
Okay, now are you ready eliza...Read Full Lyrics
Monica sighed
Rolled on her side
She was so impressed that she just surrendered
She was moved by his wheels
She was just up from wales
He was fuelled by her coals and he was comin...Read Full Lyrics
I'll build a house, of water
I'm searching high, and low
Underneath the waves
Where they hit the rocky shore
Out by the lighthouse
Heard nature say
"I'm sorry,
For stones ...Read Full Lyrics
My, my, my, we're treating each other just like strangers
I can ignore the significance of these changes
But you can't treat it lightly, and you'll have to face the consequences
Al...Read Full Lyrics
So deep in the water
Sleep, dark as the night
Somehow it seems it was all another dream
Soon dissolved in the light.
Oh, we were by the waterline.
Vague, the song of the night.
Inn...Read Full Lyrics
He raised the stake
And broke the soil
And phrased the stroke
That takes the oil
And stoked, erased and foiled the lake
And smoked and boiled the grazing snake
The roil, the choke,...Read Full Lyrics
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